PRiME Next-Generation Precision Medicine

Accelerating new scientific discoveries for precision medicine

PRiME is the next-generation precision medicine institutional strategic initiative at The University of Toronto dedicated to addressing unmet needs and challenges in drug discovery, diagnostics, and disease biology to advance the field of precision medicine.

PRiME brings together a powerful continuum of world-class basic and clinical scientists, biomedical engineers, innovators, and entrepreneurs, fostering seamless collaborations between the Toronto precision medicine and drug discovery ecosystem and our global academic and industry partners.

PRiME leverages world-class expertise in biologics, small molecules, omics, gene therapy, nanomedicine, biology-on-a-chip, and more to revolutionize drug discovery and diagnostics through advances in innovation, entrepreneurship, commercialization, highly qualified personnel (HQP) training, and fundamental science in precision medicine to combat human disease.

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